Job Well Done in Greenland and more favorable winds in the Danish market


Service inspections are currently being carried out on Viking Wind's turbine, which was installed in Greenland in December 2018.

In addition to a general routine service check of the turbine, a "cold climate" test is also performed to test the turbine in relation to the extreme weather conditions the Greenlandic turbine may be exposed to, and it looks great - Viking Wind's turbine performs very well in the harsh Greenlandic climate.

In addition to the general service check of the turbine and special tests for climate conditions, the deployed Viking Wind service team trains the local inhabitants of Sisimiut to be able to perform routine service checks of the turbine in the future.

At the same time, the status of the Danish market, after the last time applications were open for the pool with increased price subsidies for electricity produced by domestic wind turbines, is that there has been an increased interest in wind energy again this year.

The Danish Energy Agency is currently processing all the applications received - the decisions are slowly starting to come through, and the number of applications to the Danish Energy Agency shows that Danes are still showing great commitment to electricity produced in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

Job Well Done in Greenland and more favorable winds in the Danish market

Service inspections are currently being carried out on Viking Wind's turbine, which was installed in Greenland in December 2018.

In addition to a general routine service check of the turbine, a "cold climate" test is also performed to test the turbine in relation to the extreme weather conditions the Greenlandic turbine may be exposed to, and it looks great - Viking Wind's turbine performs very well in the harsh Greenlandic climate.

In addition to the general service check of the turbine and special tests for climate conditions, the deployed Viking Wind service team trains the local inhabitants of Sisimiut to be able to perform routine service checks of the turbine in the future.

At the same time, the status of the Danish market, after the last time applications were open for the pool with increased price subsidies for electricity produced by domestic wind turbines, is that there has been an increased interest in wind energy again this year.

The Danish Energy Agency is currently processing all the applications received - the decisions are slowly starting to come through, and the number of applications to the Danish Energy Agency shows that Danes are still showing great commitment to electricity produced in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

Contact us

If you'd like to hear more about whether a Viking VS turbine could be the right choice for you, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always ready with guidance and advice - whether you already own a small wind turbine or are thinking of investing in one.